What’s the purpose of life? We are never taught this in school. Our parents and preachers do not know either. It is the scary question we procrastinate to address throughout out lives. Until it’s too late. At our death beds will we look back only to realize that: although we had some cool experiences, did we really live up to our most potential? Was our life meaningful?
The personal development industry has convinced us that we need to work 4 hours a week, meditate, do fire walks and write shit down on a piece of paper. The gurus assume that we know and all the answers are inside of us. We should just be brave enough to ask.
Say it’s true. Why after reading hundred of personal development books, doing exercises, masterminds and reflections, most of us are still lost?
On my journey, I could not quite commit to one thing. Find my calling in life. Operate on no sleep, just passion. Forget to eat like Oprah. Sacrifice my health like Musk. I was in the constant search for purpose. Convinced that all the answers are inside of me. Yet I could not find them.
What if instead of assuming that we know ourselves, we assume that we are ignorant. What evidence do we have to think that we know anything to begin with? Assuming our incompetence is liberating. You can ask dumb questions, play and be curious.
Our time on earth could be a fun pursuit of understanding ourselves and the world around us. If it was a movie, we’d be Jason Bourne. Waking up with amnesia trying to figure out who we are.
Lifestyle Engineering is a methodology of self-discovery through experimentation. LE is based on the scientific method to come closer to your truth. It’s mindset of building and living your dream life. It’s not a roadmap, it’s a compass. You may not know where you are, but you will know how to get anywhere you want.
I am just a human trying to understand how this world works and who I am. Born in Moscow, I’d set out on a mission to learn from inspiring entrepreneurs. Maybe they knew? After meeting Richard Branson, Tim Draper, founders of Airbnb, Lyft, Twitter, etc., I’ve realized that many of them are just ordinary people choosing to do extraordinary things. I soon discovered my WHY (create a more adventurous & mission-driven world), HOW (promoting connection, education and tech) and WHAT (my companies & movement). Since then my work has reached 13 quintillion brain sells, inspired an Uber driver, and made my mom happy.
I am a passionate kitesurfer, personal growth junkie, futurist, earthian, lover of cinematic arts, and friend.